Manavadhikar National Party, India
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MNP Party
Organization & Structure
Organization & Structure

Description :

Party shall consist of :

1. Primary Units :
i) Single Party Cell
ii) Primary Committee
iii) Primary Executive

2. Block Unit
i) Block/Municipal Ward Council
ii) Block/Municipal Ward Executive, Panchayat also

3. Assembly Units
i) Assembly council
ii) Assembly Executives

4. District Units
i) District council
ii) District Executives

5. State Units:
i) The State Councils;
ii) The State Executives;

6. National Unit: i) The National Council;
ii) The National Executive;
iii) Chief Apex body

7. Plenary or Special Plenary session or Special session session of the Party ;

A.      Single Party Cell
A single party Cell shall comprise of not more than 11 (Eleven members residing in India, including 1(one) Active member who presides over the unit.

B.Primary Committee/ Local Committee
1.     Local Committee are must have at least 10 to 50 members. But where the population of the area is less than one thousand the number of members shall be at least 5 to 25.
2.     The President and members of a Local Executive, will be elected by all the members of Committee resides in the area as prescribed by the rules in the following manner:-
i)Local Committee having 10 to 50 members President and 4 members will be elected out of which at least one will be woman, and one member for Block Council. The President will nominate one, two Vice Presidents, Two Secretary, One Treasurer from amongst the members so elected.
3.The President of a Primary Committee shall be an active member of the party.

A.Block council
1.a Block Council shall consist of :
(i) Members elected by the Local units,
(ii)Â Maximum Ten Representatives elected by Party members in Panchayat Samities and municipal bodies situated within the area of the Block Council, from amongst themselves.
(iii) Co-opted members.
2. No Block Council shall be set up unless 50% of the Primary Committee are duly constituted in its area.
3. The members of the block council will elect the following:
i)Â Block President and ten members for block executive. The president so elected will also the president of the Block Council.
ii)Â Three members for Assembly council.
iii)Â One member for District Council.

B.Block Executive
1. A Block Executive shall consist of 11 members including the President elected by the members of the Block Council by said 11 members by 11 members of block similarly all committee members may elected as vice president, secretary, joint secretary, treasurer, legal adviser by the majority of Block executive members.
2. The President of the Block Unit shall convene to secretary to held a meeting of the office bearers of the Primary units in its area at least once in a month and Block council atleast once in three months.
3. President can suspend the members if illegal activities found in them regarding block executive committee.

A. Assembly Council
1. An Assembly Council shall consist of :
(i)Â Members elected by the Block Units falling within its jurisdiction;
(ii)Â Members elected in accordance with the rules prescribed from the local bodies situated within the area of the Assembly council.
(iii)Â Ex-Presidents of the Assembly Council who have completed one full term and are active members of the party.
(iv)Â Members of the party in legislature both Central and state from the Assembly.
(v) Leaders of the party in Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and District Boards, Zila Parishad or Janapada, Gram Panchayat  in the District resides in the Assembly constituency.
(vi)Â Co-opted members.

2. The members of the Assembly Council will elect the following:
i)Â President of Assembly Constituency and twenty members for Assembly Executive. The president so elected will also be the president of the Assembly Council.
ii)Â Five Members for District council and one member for State council.

B. Assembly Executive
1. An Assembly Executive will consist of not more than 21 members, including the President elected by the members of the Assembly Council in accordance with the rules prescribed. The President will appoint the following office bearers from among the Elected members of the Assembly Executive:

Two Vice President
Two General Secretary
One Secretary
not more than three Secretary
One Advisor
One Treasurer
2. The President of Assembly unit will convene a meeting of the office bearers of intermediate units in its area at least once in a months.


A. District Council
1. A District Council shall consist of :
(i)Â Members elected by the Block Units & Assembly units falling within its jurisdiction;
(ii)Â Members elected, in accordance with the rules prescribed from the local bodies situated within the area of the District council.
(iii)Â Ex-Presidents of the District Council who have completed one full term and are active members of the party.
(iv)Â Members of the party in legislature both Central and state, resides in the territory of District.
(v) Leaders of the partray in Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and District Boards, Zila Parishad or Janapada,  Gram Panchayat in the District.
(vi)Â Co-opted members .

2. The members of the District Council will elect the following:
i)Â District President and thirty members for District Executive. The president so elected will also be the president of the District Council.
ii)Â Two Members for state council.
iii)Â One Members for National council.
B. District Executive
1. A District Executive shall consist of not more than 31 members, including the President elected by the members of the District Council in accordance with the rules prescribed. The President shall appoint the following office bearers from among the Elected members of the District Executive:
not more than Four Vice Presidents
Two General Secretary
not more than Nine Secretaries
not more than three advisors
One Treasurer and one sub Treasurer
2. The District President shall convince a meeting of the office bearers of intermediate units in its area at least once in three months.

A. State Council
1. The State Council shall consist of:
(i)Â Representatives elected by the Assembly & District Councils.
(ii)Â All members of party in the State Legislature concerned and all members of the party in the Parliament from that State;
(iii)Â Ex-Presidents of the State council who have served a full term and are active members of the party.
(iv)Â The Leader of party in the State Legislature;
(v)Â Presidents of the District Councils, provided that they shall not be eligible to become either the President or the secretary of the the State body of the party.
(vi)Â The National Council Members who reside in the State.
(vii)Â Co-opted members.
2. The members of the State Council will elect the following:
i)Â State President and fifty members for State Executive. The president so elected will also be the president of the State Council.
ii)Â Eight Members for National Council.

B. State Executive:
1. The State Executive shall consist of not more than 51 members (including the President), elected by the State Council
l, in accordance with the Rules prescribed. The President shall appoint the following office-bearers from among the members of the State Executive:
Not more than fourteen Vice Presidents;
One Chief General –Secretary and four General Secretaries;
one Treasurer and Two sub Treasurers
Not more than six General-Secretaries;
Not more than fourteen Secretaries;
Not more than Fourteen advisors.
2. The Leader of party in the State legislature shall be ex-officio member of the State Executive.
3. The State President shall convince a meeting of the office-bearers of the District Units in its area at least three months.

C.    Area of State Units:
1. The State Units of the Party shall confirm to the State and union Territories, mentioned in the First Schedule of the Constitution of India.
Provided that the National Executive may sanction the setting up of a Council for the Metropolitan areas, with regional status, which shall be within the jurisdiction of the respective State Unit of the Party. The powers and functions of this Council shall be defined under the rules framed by the National Executive;
Provided further that the administrative convenience the National Executive may with the consent of the State Executive transfer areas of one State or Union Territory to another State Unit.
2. The Headquarters of a State Unit shall be located in the capital of the State or the Union Territory concerned, provided that a State Council may, with previous sanction of the National Executive, change its headquarters.


AÂ National Council
1. The National Council shall consist of :
(i)Â Representatives elected by the members of district Council,
(ii)Â Representatives elected by the members of State council,
(ii)Â Presidents of the State Council and Presidents of the District councils, Leaders of the Party in State Legislatures and the Leader of the party in Parliament.
(iii)Â All members of the party in Parliament.
(iv) Ex-Presidents of the party, Ex-Prime Ministers and Ex Chief Ministers who are  active members of the Party.
(v)Â Co-opted members.
2. Members of the National Council shall have to contest election from their respective States.
3. 5% members of the National Council shall be nominated from amongst professionals and social workers from different fields.
4. The National Council shall have power to frame Rules, not inconsistent with this Constitution for regulating all matters of special importance, connected with the party. The rules so framed shall be binding on all subordinate units.
5. The National Council shall meet as often as required by the National Executive, or on a joint requisition addressed to the National Executive, by not less than 20% of the total number of National Council members, having full voting rights. A requisition shall specify the purpose for which the requisitionists desire a meeting of the National Council. A requisitioned meeting shall be held within 2 months of the receipt of the requisition, provided that not more than one requisition can be moved in one year. At any requisitioned meeting, additional items of business may be brought up by the National Executive for consideration;
6. At all meetings of the National Council other than requisitioned meetings, at least 4 hours shall be allotted for consideration of propositions, of which due notices have been given by the members of the National Council, in accordance with the rules prescribed in that behalf;
7. Not less than one-fifth of the total number of members shall form the quorum for a meeting of the National Council;
8. Every member of the National council shall pay an annual fee, which is prescribed by the national executive. He/She shall receive a certificate, duly signed by one of the Secretaries (authorized by the president) of the National Council to the effect that he/she is a member. A member will not be permitted to take part in any meeting of the National Council, Subjects Committee or Plenary Session, without paying the fee.
B. National Executive
1. The National Executive shall consist of the President and one hundred Ninety three members elected by the National Council. The President shall appoint the following office bearers, out of the members elected for National Executive, after his election:-
Not more than fourteen Vice-Presidents;
one chief General –Secretary;
one Treasurer and fourteen sub Treasurer;
Not more than fourteen General-Secretaries;
Not more than fourteen Secretaries;
Not more than sixteen Assistance Secretaries;
Not more than sixteen Jt.-Secretaries;
Not more than sixteen organizational Secretaries;
Not more than sixteen advisors;
One Chief Auditor and 35 Sub Auditors and 35 state conviners
2. The quorum for a meeting of the National Executive shall be one hundred twenty two.
3. The National Executive shall be the highest Executive authority of the party and shall be responsible to the National Council. It shall be the final authority in all matters regarding interpretation and application of the provisions of this Constitution.
4. The National Executive shall place before every meeting of the National Council, a report of the proceedings of the previous meeting of the National Council and also an agenda of business for the meeting and shall allot time for non-official re-solutions, of which due notice may have been given by the members of the National Council, in accordance with the rules prescribed in that behalf.
5. The National Executive may appoint one or more auditors state wise or inspectors or other officers, to examine the records, papers and account books of all party units. It shall be incumbent on all such units to furnish all the required information to the auditors, inspectors or other officers, and to give them access to all offices, accounts and other records.
6. The National Executive shall have the accounts of the National unit audited annually by an auditor or auditors appointed by it.
7. The National Executive shall fix the date, by which formation of subordinate, District and State Units and the National Council shall be completed.
8. To meet any special situation, the National Executive shall have the power to take such action in the interest of the party, as it may deem fit, provided, however, that if any action is taken which is beyond the powers of the National Executive, as defined in this Constitution, it shall be submitted as early as possible to the National Council for rectification.

C Chief Apex Body
i. The Chief Apex Body (CAB) shall consist of the total 28 members as follows:
-  National president,
-Â Â National Chief General Secretary,
-Â Â National treasurer,
-Â Â Legal Adviser of the party (Appointed by the National Council)
-Â Â Nine State president nominated by the National Executive.
-Â Â The leader of the party in Lower House of Parliament, if any,
-Â Â The leader of the party in Upper House of Parliament, if any,
-Â Â And rest (minimum one and maximum three) shall be appointed/nominated by the president. Ordinarily, members of the CAB will be appointed/nominated from amongst the members of the national Executive/council but in special case, delegates, who are not members of the National executive/council, may be appointed. Legal adviser need not be a member of the party.
ii. The CAB shall be the highest executive authority (after national Council and special/plenary session of the party and shall have the powers :
(a)Â to carry out and manage the day to day work of the party.
(b)Â to carry out the policies and programmes laid down by the party/National Council/plenary/special session.
(c)Â to frame rules (not inconsistent with this Constitution ) for the proper working ofthe organisation the rules so framed shall be binding on all subordinate bodies of the party including.
(d)Â to issue instructions to various units, not inconsistent with this Constitution;
(e) it shall be the final authority in all disciplinary matters; only in special case the National executive can review the matter and remand back to the CAB, if not satisfied with the order passed earlier.
(f)Â in special cases, to relax application of provisions of membership.
(g) The Chief Apex Body shall also act as a Board of Trustees for holding properties belonging to the Party.
iii. The Chief Apex Body reserves the right of nominating at least 1/3rd of the total membership of the Block/Municipal Ward Council/Working Committee so as to ensure participation of senior Active Members in all the proceedings at the grass-roots level of the party.

A. Delegates
All members of the State Councils and the National Council shall be delegates to the Plenary Session/ special session.

B. Subjects Committee
1. The National Council shall meet as the Subjects Committee under the Chairmanship of the President, immediately proceeding the Plenary Session. The National Executive shall submit to the subjects Committee the programme of work, including the draft resolutions, for the Plenary Session.
2. As far as possible, four hour shall be allotted for consideration of the propositions, of which due notice shall be given by the State Councils or the members of the National Council.

C. Plenary Session
1. A Plenary Session of the party shall ordinarily be held once in two years on the 1st of May and at a place to be decided upon by the National Executives.
2. The Plenary Session shall consist of the President and all other delegates.
3. The Plenary Session shall consider resolutions, recommended to it for adoption by the Subjects Committee in the first instance. Thereafter, the Session shall take up any substantive motion, not included in the draft resolutions referred to above, only when 50 members, before the commencement of the day’s sitting, request the President in writing to allow them to place the motion before the Session. However, no such motion shall be allowed, unless it has been previously discussed at the meeting of the Subjects Committee and received the support of at least a third of the members present in the meeting.
4. The State Council, in whose jurisdiction the Plenary Session is held, shall act as the Reception Committee and may co-opt additional members for the purpose;
5. The Reception Committee shall make all necessary arrangement, including collection of funds, of which separate and full accounts shall be maintained. These accounts shall be audited by the auditors appointed by the National Executive within six months of the Session;
6. Surplus funds and assets shall be divided between the National Council and the State Council equally.

D. Special Session
1. Special Session of the party may be held, if the National Council so decides or if a majority of the State Councils, through their resolutions, make a request to the President, to convene such a special Session for discussion of the agenda specified in the resolution;
2. Delegates to the Plenary Session shall be the delegates for the Special Session.
3. Such a Session shall be organised by the State Council of the State selected for holding the Session.
4. Other rules to organise the special session are same as the Plenary Session
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