Manavadhikar National Party, India
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Goal of Manavadhikar
Goal of Manavadhikar

Description :
Manavadhikar Nationalist Party is Ahmedabad based political party formed out from All India Human Rights Grievances Association which is 7 years old NGO working for Human Rights in different parts of Country. Now, we are going to give India a strong leadership in terms of Economical, GDP, Anti-corruption movement and other clean politics which is not seen before like anti corruption commitee in our country.

The object of the Manavadhikar Nationalist Party is the well-being and advancement of the people of India and the establishment in India, by peaceful and constitutional means, of a Socialist State based on Parliamentary Democracy in which there is equality of opportunity and of political, economic and social rights and which aims at world peace and fellowship.

No political party in India today works for the common man’s needs. The Movement was a call to all the politicians of India to listen to the common man’s plea. For almost 1 year we tried every single way available to plead our cause to the government – peaceful protesting, several rounds of negotiations with the ruling government – we tried everything possible to convince the government to form a strong anti- corruption law.
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